The Saltee Foundation
We’re committed to minimising our environmental impact with our range of travel products - and now, we’re taking things one step further by establishing The Saltee Foundation.
The Saltee Foundation is a Trust created to promote cultural awareness and foster a better understanding of communities and environments outside our own. The foundation represents our commitment not only to do less harm, but to ensure Saltee’s presence in the world is an active force for good.
10% of Saltee profits
Each year, a minimum of 10% of Saltee’s profit is invested in the Saltee Foundation. The yearly investment into the foundation will fund exciting projects and opportunities created for deserving individuals. We invite our like-minded partners to make similar investment commitments to help us further our Foundation goals
Saltee Foundation Projects
The Saltee Foundation’s first project reflects one of our primary goals - to improve lives and bring people together, by helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to travel, study, and experience different cultures. This will include funding significant bursaries for international and cultural studies.
We’ll also use Saltee as a platform to promote works in these fields, in a bid to increase public awareness and shape government policy on key issues relating to the environment, migration, and international relations.
Cultural exchange
At Saltee we believe that by facilitating positive, open, cultural exchange, we can break down barriers, broaden perspectives and create a more connected planet.
With every Saltee skincare purchase our customers are making a meaningful contribution to this mission to improve and protect our world - while also protecting their skin.

Goldsmiths College
In 2023 The Saltee Foundation’s charitable gift agreement with Goldsmiths College, part of the University of London includes:
- A cash substantial bursary in 2023 for a Widening Participation Student studying for an MA at the department for creative a Cultural Entrepreneurship;
- Mentoring support from the Trustees of the Saltee Foundation for the bursary student during the academic year 2023-24;
- A paid internship during summer 2023 with the Saltee Business Team for a Widening Participation student (home or international) in MA International Retail Business, Sustainability and Technologies in the department of Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE).
We’re incredibly excited about what the future holds with the help of The Saltee Foundation and the initiatives it will fund as well as the lives it will positively impact.